=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 25-02-12 06:03:59 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= U5err: Unknown column name 'sales_price_x_1000_i4' ### ERROR: Unfetched column name 'sales_price_x_1000_i4' Does it exist? Was is SELECTed? Did you check if ANYTHING at all was selected? U5dBQueryResult->u5getColValByName , called from line no 341 $colName--: sales_price_x_1000_i4 $returnVal: 'NO SETTING OF RETURNVAL IN FUNTION u5db::u5getColValByName' Original query: SELECT * FROM stock_1 WHERE classification_s30 NOT LIKE '%-%' AND category_path_s255 ~ '(Wine.*)|(Champagne.*)' AND (1=0 OR category_path_s255 ~ '.*White' ) AND (1=0 OR classification_s30 ILIKE '%S%' ) ORDER BY category_path_s255, product_name_s80 File(s) claiming use of dB object, latest user first: - - - Server-----: localhost dB username: u5_usr1 dB type----: PostgreSQL =-=-=-=admin/message_panel/index.php?action=detail&id=5748962&project=UNDEFINED
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